Shino no me Exhibition – Saki and Bitches

You may remember a little while back I did an interview with Saki and Bitches. This was a great moment for me as she is an artist I really admire, and for her to agree to do an interview via email was a really exciting moment for me. So imagine my excitement, when she messaged... Continue Reading →

The Fall of the Damned – Peter Paul Rubens

Some times, I will see a snippet of a painting, which will intrigue me.  This was one of those paintings.  If you have seen the series called "Dark", you may have caught a glimpse in the first season, which led me to a three day hunt to find out which painting it was.  As it... Continue Reading →

Lucifero – Roberto Ferri

If you are a long time reader of this website, you will know that religion is one of the key themes, simply because it is so intrinsic in art.  There is a vast amount of relgious art in every gallery you go to, or statues and monuments dedicated to the cause of story telling and... Continue Reading →

Film – Midsommer

I have said it before... I went to see the remake of "The Wickerman" just to see Nicholas Cage burn at the end.  I appreciate it is a brash statement, and actually, I don't wish the guy any harm (just in case he stumbles across this one day and thinks I am the one that... Continue Reading →

Witches’ Sabbath (The Great He-Goat) – Francisco Goya

I write an awful lot about religion, simply because I am fascinated by it, but by far one of my most popular articles is about the fall of Lucifer.  It isn't even a particularly in depth article, but I think that the reason it does so well, is actually like me, many people are intrigued... Continue Reading →

The Creation of Adam – Michelangelo

Did you know that the fear of belly buttons is called omphalophobia?  I can't really imagine being afraid of, what is essentially a scar which reminds you of your own creation, but I don't like people on stilts, so each to their own. Michelangelo, was a bit of a rock star of art, having the... Continue Reading →

Mitra – Luke Hillestad

Peacocks are beautiful aren't they.  I have recently had one tattooed on my leg as there is so much symbolism that surrounds them, they are vain and showy, but also deemed as royalty and a protector because of the association with with Hera from Greek mythology.  When I saw this picture I was obviously drawn... Continue Reading →

Odin/The Hanged – Daniel Africano

It has been an absolute age since I have written about anything remotely mythy, so unashamedly, I admit, that after re-watching the first season of "American Gods" (fantastic series, I recommend watching...or read the book), I felt the urge to dust off my mythy geekdom and have a bash at trying to explain a tiny... Continue Reading →

Hairesis – Billelis

It's not a secret... I love anything with skulls on it.  I have numerous pieces of art and sculpture around my house of skulls, as they are infinitely interesting.  So it's not surprising that I am drawn to the work of Billelis.  His dark gothic style combines a lot of my own interests in visuals... Continue Reading →

The Return of the Prodigal Son – Rembrandt

Forgiveness is a really hard thing isn't it. We all like to think we can be gracious enough to forgive, but sometimes there are things which crop up and put little blockers in the way of being able to let go of the hurt, or the anguish that an act has caused you. It can... Continue Reading →

Anti-Semitic or Misguided?

This morning, I felt like I had woken up to a world gone mad. Firstly I put it down to the change in time for daylight savings, as I overheard a conversation from a colleague about how he had kept his cat up late so that it wouldn't wake him up early (not a conversation... Continue Reading →

The Garden of Earthly Delights – Hieronymus Bosch

Sometimes there are pieces of art that I love, but put off writing about as it looks like it is going to be a big job, until someone (you know who you are kkatch22) asks if I have ever written about a painting. So today is the day that I give this painting a whirl... Continue Reading →

Lilith – John Collier

It was International Women's Day yesterday... if you hadn't heard.  It's a day to break down barriers and try and dispel behaviours which bring about a gender gap.  I like to think that the gender gap is dwindling, but there are times when the perception of men and women wildly differ.  For example, if a... Continue Reading →

St. Valentine…

Today is the day when hallmark are rubbing their hands together as people everywhere exchange cards, declaring that today they love each other more than any other day of the year, but actually the really St. Valentine is a far stretch from the patron saint of love that you might believe that he is. I... Continue Reading →

St. Jerome in his study – Albrecht Dürer

I quite like going to visit my friends curiosity shop. It is filled with all things macabre and fascinating. While I was there this weekend, I heard a gentleman talking about this picture, so I decided to investigate and share it. The man was quite taken with the skull and the lion in this piece...... Continue Reading →

The Flowers of Evil – Thomas Theodore Heine

I have really enjoyed the gauntlets which some people have thrown down for me, but you can always guarantee that someone will throw something your way that makes the cogs tick more than most.  I can thank Artschaft for throwing this head scratcher at me. Heine was a german artist, born in 1867.   He was a... Continue Reading →

The Temptation of St. Anthony – Joos Van Craesbeeck

I am the quintessential over thinker.  My brain is always buzzing, which can really help with somethings, but when I am wondering if all dogs bark in the same language at 2 am it can get tiresome. This was the first thing that struck me about this painting, the giant head washed up on the... Continue Reading →

Ecce Humo – the infamous botch job.

If you are a long time reader of my blog, you may be wondering why I have decided to post this travesty to the art world on here. I mean, it's a poor restoration job, not pleasing to the eye and frankly I think my next door neighbours cat could have probably done a better... Continue Reading →

Beyond the Pale – Stephanie Henderson

There is so much in the world that generally someone will find offensive.  But one person's love is another's hate and all that.  I find it so interesting to understand the points of view of people to see what drives their passions or pure hatred for something.  Personally I am never driven to hate anything... Continue Reading →

El Caganer – Catalan Tradition

There are some really weird traditions knocking about. From teeth tossing in Greece to baby jumping in Spain, there are some particularly diverse things that happen in this world of ours. Christmas time is no different, it comes with its own set of rules and behaviours. You might be thinking, come on WidowCrankster, why are... Continue Reading →

Krampus – Artist unknown

How many times have you been left a piece of coal? Probably never, unless your family think that they are hilarious in trying to make you think you've been naughty and Santa has left you nothing but a sooty handful. While this is a bit of a forgotten empty threat these days, there is actually... Continue Reading →

Three Legends of St. Nicholas – Gerard David

I appreciate that I haven’t gotten particularly Christmassy just yet.  This could be due to the fact that I take absolute umbrage that Christmas hits the shops around October.  Personally I think that this then takes away from the excitement and joy that is supposed to be felt with this time of year, making it... Continue Reading →

Samson and Delilah – Peter Paul Rubens

Today, I am back to the subject of pesky women.  Not so much a woman scorned today, but one that was easily bribed.  It's so easy to see why women got a bad wrap throughout the ages, with the stories of them being deceitful and manipulative, when I think we all know, in reality that... Continue Reading →

Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife – Orazio Gentileschi

Bored housewife seeks slave to cater to her every whim... Well that is what Potiphar's wife should have been advertising for, since this was in the time before tinder and meeting someone meant actually having to be in the same place at the same time.  I am pretty sure that the woman in this painting would go down a... Continue Reading →

Tristezze della luna olio – Roberto Ferri

Despite not being a believer in any God, religion is quite honestly one of my favourite subjects.  I find it absolutely fascinating how there are so many different factions and divisions of faith, yet they all lead to the same underlying message.  I don't say this light heartedly either, I spent a lot of time... Continue Reading →

Tulpa Series – Mars-1

I’ve recently been watching Twin peaks the return. Now if the original series wasn’t bizarre enough, this revamp is seriously far out if you’re not on David Lynch’s wave length. Interestingly, it all seems to revolve around the theory of a Tulpa which is a mystical theory where manifestations can be created by thought forms... Continue Reading →

Arachne’s Punishment – Gustave Doré

Leviticus and Deuteronomy, they are funny old books aren’t they, full of things that will get you a one way ticket to eternal punishment. Some things are so inconsequential in today’s views don’t eat shellfish, or don’t wear mixed textiles. Which is surprising for a book where the theme is to love thy neighbour,... Continue Reading →

An Allegory of Faith – Daniel Colen

The most devastating part of "The lion, the witch and the wardrobe" for me was the part where Aslan was bound to a large sacrificial table by the snow queen. Firstly...who could kill a talking lion and secondly I never really as a child understood why he gave in so easily. It didn't really occur... Continue Reading →

The Hermitage – Russia

Back in May, I travelled through the Baltic, taking in the amazing sights that this trail offers. I'm going to start with St. Petersburg and then sneak a few blogs in here and there about the things I saw during this great holiday.The Hermitage... this is made up of 5 buildings, the main one being... Continue Reading →

Pieta II – Martin Wittfooth

I think that William Blake summed up the reverence of the tiger in his poem of the same name:- "Tiger, Tiger, burning bright, in the forests of the night, what immortal hand or eye, could frame thy fearful symmetry?".  In this case the tiger and everything else within the painting has been used as a... Continue Reading →

Morning Star (Lucifer) – Paul Fryer

Tucked away in the Holy Trinity church in Marylebone, Westminster, Paul Fryer's Lucifer resides.  The church has not been used for worship in nearly 40 years which makes it the perfect abode for this grotesquely beautiful installation. This shows Lucifer as an oily black figure, with huge white wings ensnared in power lines.  The piece... Continue Reading →

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