Interview – Rebecca Bathory

There are lots of people who inspire me greatly, these range from historical figures, to artists to just people I know. Rebecca Bathory is an astounding photographer and I am incredibly lucky to also know her on a personal level. Bathory's work displays the chaotic beauty of decay and degradation. Her work concentrates on forgotten... Continue Reading →

Mothmeister – Interview

Way back in 2018, when the world wasn't turned upside down with a pandemic and we could go and see the wonders of life, I managed to catch an exhibition by Mothmeister held in London. Excitedly I rushed home and wrote about them, as I was so in awe and inspired by their work. I... Continue Reading →

Abstract Light – Exodus of Light

I don’t write about digital art anywhere near as often as I should.  Generally, because I find paintings much easier to write about.  They hold a certain quality that I feel is much more personal as it is a connective process of brush to canvas or what ever medium is being painted on.  That is... Continue Reading →

Allegories of an Exile – Paul Kaiser

We all have demons, those skeletons in the closet, that sneak up on us and can make us react in the most peculiar ways.  For some they will try and understand, for others they will only scratch the surface, as it may be too hard or incomprehensible for them to take in the feelings that... Continue Reading →

Louvre – Abu Dhabi

I write about a lot of artwork, but I don't usually write about the building that contains them.  This is either because I am so overwhelmed by the work contained, or that the building is not that exciting.  One of my first articles that I wrote for Parkstone International was about the opening of the... Continue Reading →

Return to Fukushima – Rebecca Bathory

Do you sometimes see something in a state of disrepair and think that there is a certain beauty about it? Or do you not take the time to look? That falling down building with ivy growing through the cracks, or the abandoned shopping trolley that an animal has made its home in, though in a... Continue Reading →

Turn the Mirrors in to Windows – Kasia Darwinska

Life is full of ups and downs, and at times it can really feel like a roller coaster.  Sometimes that means you do and say stupid things to those closest to you, sometimes it means you do the smallest things which can mean the world to someone else.  What is also evident is no matter... Continue Reading →

Gods Own Junkyard

It has been an age since I wrote an article about a day out that I have had and shared some of my own photography.  I have to admit, I don't always think to do it as I find other peoples artwork and photography much more compelling than my own, but I am very lucky... Continue Reading →

Pocahontas – One more trophy – Thomas Czarnecki

As humans, we like to capture and collect things which are beautiful.  This differs from one person to the next, I like skulls and tattoos amongst other things, so I have varying skull shaped items littered around my house, and a plentiful collection of tattoos.  Some people collect porcelain frogs, or stamps or who knows... Continue Reading →

Holiday – Frank Herfort

Yesterday, was a bank holiday in the UK.  This usually means that everyone in the UK will attempt to get their BBQ out, come rain or shine, it will rain, if you own a caravan you must spend at least 8 hours stuck in traffic towing it somewhere, and if you have children, it is... Continue Reading →

Untitled – Mothmeister

Actually today you are going to get a twofer, as today's piece is technically a collaborative work.  I was lucky enough to see this and many other of Mothmeister's pieces at their book launch last Saturday, held in the Crypt Galleries in London.  It was an amazing couple of hours wandering around the Crypt seeing... Continue Reading →

The Mad Masters – Stefen Tcherepnin

I have been really busy over the last few weeks, so I have slipped a little in getting posts out, and I have actually really missed writing.  This said, I have been doing things to inspire new articles, therefore I don't feel too bad skipping the odd few days. Amsterdam, is a truly inspired city... Continue Reading →

Body Worlds – Gunther Von Hagen

I consider myself really lucky. Well I say lucky... I work hard in order to do the things that really interest me. This generally means travel and seeing as much of everything as I can. A large percentage of this is art, or beautiful scenery that I can take photos of as ultimately this makes... Continue Reading →

Potato #345 – Kevin Abosch

There are days when you wake up and think that the world has gone mad.  This is usually over some crazy news story or someone I know doing something particularly idiotic.  You know the type of story... Man in the back of beyond says that he has absolute proof that aliens are living in his... Continue Reading →

Jimmy C at Whitby Street, Shoreditch.

You may not realise it, but art is everywhere around you. From that god awful picture that is on one of the walls of your office of a set of three smudgy squares of colour, to pattern in the lift carpet, these have all been created from a pattern or design that someone, somewhere, along... Continue Reading →

The World is Your Oyster (III) – David Gilliver

Sometimes our world gets really busy.  Especially at this time of year with Christmas coming up, it always seems to be the time when the boiler goes, the cat needs an urgent injection, a widow has fallen out and work wants you to do a 47 hour day just so that everything can be completed... Continue Reading →

Flower Symbolism

Quite often in my posts I will talk about symbolism of certain items, odd insects crawling about the canvas, colours, something in the background. What holds an enormous amount of symbolism, which appears to be by passed in our society today are flowers. In the past in art as well as as in everyday life... Continue Reading →

Danbury Country Park

Nature is beautiful. Constantly changing and shaping our day to day visual journey. Remember to enjoy it.

The Doll – Hans Bellmer

Not all art is stunningly beautiful. Some is a direct reaction to things that are happening to, or around the artist. Some of these can sit very uncomfortably with the audience, yet they can still appreciate the message that the artist is trying to give. In the case of Bellmer’s ‘The Doll’, the initial reaction... Continue Reading →

Beautiful sky

More often than not nature is more astounding than anything that is depicted on a canvas. So last night as I was returning home from a day walking around one of Essex’s weird museums, and having visited a planetarium that can fit 20 people in at a push, I was mesmerised by the beautiful sky... Continue Reading →

Trophic interaction within a single tree community – Raoul Deleo

Tucked away on the second floor of the Rotterdam natural history museum, is an art exhibit by Raoul Deleo. This seems like a really odd place to have this type of display, as it's neither natural or truly historical, but none the less, this is an amazing world created by wondrous mind. 'During the last... Continue Reading →

Ruby Rose

Life is hard sometime. There are days that catch you off guard, no matter how long it has been since the event. A loss can leave a hollow in you, which can grow smaller or you can learn to cope with it, but it can never be filled with anything else. Don’t ever forget that... Continue Reading →

Tree and Bags – Atelier Van Lieshout

Trees can be really beautiful and equally really creepy. If you've ever walked in a forest at dusk or just down a tree lines street, you'll know the odd shadows that they create and the feelings of unknowing that they can present. Anything could be hiding in or behind the trees. Also historically trees have... Continue Reading →

Couple aux têtes pleines de nuages – Salvador Dali

I don't usually open with someone else's words, but Dali's "Couple with their heads full of clouds", really brings to mind the poetry of Percy Shelley for me, so here is the first stanza for you to enjoy while looking at this beautiful piece of surrealism. "I bring fresh showers for the thirsting flowers, From... Continue Reading →

Tower of London

I like a bit of bloody history. Not that I would ever have wanted to be hung, drawn and quartered, or put in the stocks, but I find it really interesting how our ancestors lived, behaved and dealt with conflicts. The Tower of London is steeped in history, more that I could write here, or... Continue Reading →

Norsey Woods

It's been a hot bank holiday Monday, which quite frankly in the U.K. is unheard of. Usually if there's a long weekend to be had, it's raining, or there's the tale end of a hurricane that's blowing a gale, or there's a freak snow storm...I think you get my drift (ha...snow storm...drift...). Today was glorious.... Continue Reading →

The Hermitage – Russia

Back in May, I travelled through the Baltic, taking in the amazing sights that this trail offers. I'm going to start with St. Petersburg and then sneak a few blogs in here and there about the things I saw during this great holiday.The Hermitage... this is made up of 5 buildings, the main one being... Continue Reading →

The Cutty Sark

Nestled in the middle of Greenwich is the magnificent clipper ship the Cutty Sark. World renowned for being the fastest clipper to sail the seas, it is now a museum for the public to view just what it was like to be aboard this stunning vessel.Starting on the bottom deck of the boat, you can... Continue Reading →

The Imperial War Museum – London

The Imperial war museum (IWM) is not far from the Elephant and Castle. Set back from the road there is a beautiful park surrounding it, with the Tibetan peace garden off to one side. As you walk in, it's hard not to notice the two ship cannons that dominate the lead up to the entrance.As... Continue Reading →

Osiris and Isis

Tonight, we take a detour to Egypt. Back to a time when it was ok to be in love with your knowing that this is an incestuous love story, it's still one that shows absolute devotion, which is what I like about it.There are many versions of this story, all of which have a... Continue Reading →

Andromeda – Paul Gustave Doré

As I said yesterday, my visit to the London planetarium inspired me to chat about the story behind some of the constellations that you can currently see in the nights sky. As we all know, I love a bit of Greek mythology and this nestles beautifully between the world of science and myth.Right now, in... Continue Reading →

The key in the hand – Chiharu Shiota

Memory is an odd function within the human psyche.  It's part of what sets us away from the rest of the animal kingdom, as we intrinsically link memory with emotion.  We can recall periods of time which make us happy, sad, elated, deflated... we can recount the memories to others and we can also place... Continue Reading →


Occasionally I will post a photo I have taken.  This is one of those occasions.   I took this a few years ago while visiting a local zoo.  Now I have mixed feelings on zoos.  I love seeing the animals, I think they could have a better life out of captivity.  Anyway, this is not... Continue Reading →

Mariska Karto – I Crave You

You could be forgiven for thinking that this is a painting at a quick glance as I did.  The swaths of material encompassing the porcelain skin of the naked women.  The soft finish to the whole piece, the lack of background enhancement echoing works of art  completed by individuals such as Caravaggio.  Definition in the... Continue Reading →

Not film related in the slightest…

This post has nothing to do with famous media, this is just a personal little snippet.  I recently had the absolutely pleasure of visiting Berlin.  This was nothing like I expected it to be.  I was expecting the city to be dower and still in the midst of rebuilding after it's desimation in WW2. I... Continue Reading →

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