Film – Lamb

Sometimes life gets in the way of things we want to do. I had great plans to write a Christmas article, but with a new job and other responsibilities, time just got away from me. So, here I am to kick off the New Year with a film breakdown, and this is one that has... Continue Reading →

Vivarium – Film

Lockdown is rough isn't it?  Stuck in the house with the same people you have been stuck with for over a month now, little respite and routine which is set to match Groundhog day.  The TV just has adverts reminding you not to go outside or the endless begs from charities even though many people... Continue Reading →

Film – Melancholia

Another week of isolation due to COVID-19 and another film from the depression trilogy by Lars Von Trier.  This seemed wholly fitting for the current climate with a film that goes through the impending end of the world and a person suffering near catatonic depression.  While in reality this isn't the end of the world,... Continue Reading →

Film – Antichrist

It truly is a strange and worrying time at the moment isn't it.  COVID-19 appears to be bringing out the best and worst in people, from fighting in the aisles of supermarkets for toilet roll, to masses of volunteers helping our elderly and vulnerable people.  The media have caused a frenzy which is of an... Continue Reading →

Film – The Lighthouse

Have you ever watched something, and immediately wanted to watch it again?   This film was exactly that for me.  It is so rich in symbolism and so dense with nods to other stories, elements and film productions that it really get the brain ticking.  It is a film that sucks you and a leaves you... Continue Reading →

Film – Parasite

I really love a horror film, which will be absolutely evident if you have read any other of my film articles; but I quite often find myself saying “they don’t make them like they used to”.  The characters seem insipid in newer horror to the point I don’t really care what happens to them, and... Continue Reading →

Film – The Rise of Skywalker

I have an odd relationship with Star Wars.  I wouldn’t say that I am a huge fan, in the way that I don’t consider my religion a Jedi, nor do I have Star Wars memorabilia littered around my house, but I do know a lot about the films, and perhaps some of the finer details... Continue Reading →

Film – Joker

I deeply dislike Batman. Actually that isn't true.  I liked Batman when it was Adam West and Burt Ward.  Who couldn't love the cheesy "Pow" and "Zok" as the heroic duo fought crime in a fun and fantastical way... It's only later on that I grew to despise the whining Bruce Wayne and his "boohoo... Continue Reading →

Film – Once upon a time in Hollywood

You know there is quite a big downside to writing articles of this nature, especially when your friends see movies before you, and eagerly wait to hear what you think of it, because they really enjoyed it, then I realise all I will be doing is writing a rant which earned me the name WidowCranky.... Continue Reading →

Film – Midsommer

I have said it before... I went to see the remake of "The Wickerman" just to see Nicholas Cage burn at the end.  I appreciate it is a brash statement, and actually, I don't wish the guy any harm (just in case he stumbles across this one day and thinks I am the one that... Continue Reading →

Pet Sematary – Film

I loved Stephen King books when I was growing up.  I was devouring his books from about the age of 10, which looking back, may well have been a little young, but they were better than Nancy Drew so... Reflecting on it now, I realise it is because the stories were exciting but the writing... Continue Reading →

As Above, So Below – Film

Hear what I thought about this abomination of a film.

Film – Serenity

If you have been a long time reader of mine, you will know I started out by ranting about really bad films.  Well I am reviving the Cranky in my name to write about this abomination of a film.  Let us not get this confused with the sci-fi 2005 film written by Joss Whedon, no... Continue Reading →

Film – Suspiria

Back in 1977 the original "Suspiria" was released by Dario Argento, it was a stylised nightmare of a horror film based on the use of something so self indulgent (ballet) to feed an evil coven of witches, the cinematography was garishly coloured, the music by Goblin dramatic and the story line never truly explained.  It... Continue Reading →

Film – Lawrence of Arabia

I was never a huge film fan growing up, in fact I would read a book over watching a film 9 times out of 10, it was only as I got older that I started to really get in to film culture.  Now this has its ups and downs... the ups are that I read... Continue Reading →

Film – The House that Jack Built

There are some films which incorporate a theme so seamlessly that they leave you astounded.  This film is one of those.  Some have said that it is a totally self indulgent piece of work, but I think that this could be that either the person watching it had no in depth knowledge of the "Divine... Continue Reading →

Film – The Favourite

How would you fancy being the favourite to royalty?  Being their advisor and bestowed special treatment from the monarch?  Ok it probably doesn't mean that much now, but back when the monarchy ruled the country and made the decisions this would have been a prime spot! Highly sort after and a cut throat game to... Continue Reading →

Film – The Lobster

I am sure that everyone remembers Phoebe in friends telling Ross that Rachel was his lobster...  In some romantic notion that lobsters mate for life.  Actually lobsters don't mate for life... dominant male lobsters fertilise a harem of female lobsters in a series of flings which last about 2 weeks with some complex mating rituals. ... Continue Reading →

Film – Possum

What do you fear the most? Is it something physical? Spiders, balloons, fire, drowning? Or something more psychological? Abandonment, solitude, misunderstanding? Matthew Holness, creator of "Garth Merenghi's Darkplace" smashes in to his cinema debut in a way unlike any other. If you have watched "The Babadook" or "Ghost Stories" you can probably get onboard films... Continue Reading →

Bohemian Rhapsody

Do you know, if you asked me yesterday who my favourite band was, I probably wouldn't have said Queen, but some of my earliest memories are of my brothers LPs of Queen (and the Sex Pistols - and I was petrified of The News of The World album cover, as well as the Who Killed... Continue Reading →

Grey Gardens

There are things that are sometimes just so off the wall that you can't believe you have missed out on them for so long. It's a bit like discovering hidden treasure, or finding out that you do really like gin... just not Gordon's. Grey Gardens is one of those hidden treasures for me. If you're... Continue Reading →

The Killing of a Sacred Deer – Film Review

There are films that are so strikingly odd that you end up remembering them and returning back to them again and again. I found that with "The Lobster". This was the first film in English by Yorgos Lanthimos, and on first watching I honestly thought to myself "what the hell was that?" This obviously made... Continue Reading →

Film Review – The Limehouse Golem

When I first heard about this film, I didn’t have high expectations of it.  The trailer just had lots of people saying the term “The Limehouse Golem” a lot, and if your script requires you to repeat the same phrase repeatedly to remind your audience what the film is about, then it is on a... Continue Reading →

Film – Hereditary

It's been an age since I have written about a film, so obviously I am jumping at the chance to tell you all about this little gem, hopefully I will do a better job that 'The Independent' writer, who wrote such an appalling article about the film, that I felt compelled to tell them either... Continue Reading →

Ghost Stories

I absolutely love a horror film, from the very bad ones to the amazingly haunting ones, but I find that usually the end is a little lack lustre. It usually revolves around the story having a happy ending and the demon, murderer, ghost or psycho getting their just desserts and everyone getting on with their... Continue Reading →


There are days where I simply wonder what I am doing with my life. Other people have children and seem to have their lives so together, and I am still bumbling about, not really sure if I am adulting correctly, then a film like this comes along, and I realise I am doing far better... Continue Reading →

I, Tonya

Passion is a funny thing. I am passionate about a lot of things, and it is an ever increasing circle for me, I like to add to the things I am passionate about, learn new skills, understand how things work, in fact you could say I am just passionate about understanding as much as I... Continue Reading →

Film – Lost Highway

If you have ever watched 'Twin Peaks' the original or the revival, you will know that David Lynch as a certain style which can leave his viewers completely bemused.  Granted he has a unique artistic style which elevates his films to cult classics, but he also likes to present his audiences with an almost unsolvable... Continue Reading →

Film – 3 Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Sometimes you hear about films and the title just sounds dull. I mean what could be exciting about 3 billboards really? If I hadn't seen the trailer for this film, I probably wouldn't have looked in to it and just passed it off as some twee drama (a bit like I have done for "Phantom... Continue Reading →

Film – The Shape of Water

You may have figured out, if you have read my blog before, that I am not a chic flick kind of girl. I don't relish quirky women, finding their match, and having some sort of issue, only for a happy ending to ensue. I don't like the twee comedy and the awkwardness that comes with... Continue Reading →

The Greatest Showman

I hate circuses.  Can't stand the over enthusiastic acts and forced frivolity, but I do have an appreciation for what they have brought to performance art.  I also do understand that when they first started up, it was the only way some of the acts could make money, so while I don't like watching a... Continue Reading →

Star Wars – The Last Jedi

I have left writing this review for a little while as I appreciate that the new Star Wars film is a little bit like Marmite (veggie mite or any other Bovril type substance that you may be accustomed with).  While I am a bit of a Star Wars fan, I obviously didn’t appreciate the deep... Continue Reading →


It's so easy to make life look perfect from the outside, especially in Suburicon, sadly this film delivered a less than perfect viewing experience and had even less entertainment value. I always find the Coen brother's films a bit samey. With contrite plot twists and kitch cinematography, and then we see George Clooney throwing his... Continue Reading →

Justice League

I am a Marvel girl through and through. Nothing has brought this home more than spending two hours of my life watching the impoverish efforts of six DC heroes, well 5 apparent heroes and one guy with a lot of money. Many, many franchises have followed the adventures of Batman and Superman and we have... Continue Reading →

The Double Life of Veronique

Don't you hate it when you settle down to watch a film which has had great reviews, only to find it is terrible?  It's the worst, as you watch the gibberish of a story line unfold to no high point.  This film is one of those. Views who felt compelled to comment on IMDB about... Continue Reading →

Murder on the Orient Express

I have particularly fond memories of watching the escapades of Hercule Poirot, played by David Suchet with my grandmother.  Curled up in an arm chair as a child in the warmth of her living room watching an odd man with an exacting manner solve the unsolvable crimes created by Agatha Christie made for many a... Continue Reading →

Blade Runner 2049

So why is a blade runner called a blade runner? Despite my theory of Mr Snuggles not really hitting the bill, there are several streams of thought, one that the life of a blade runner is a series of moments lived in a knife edge, some say that replicants were revered to as ‘Blades’ in... Continue Reading →


Sometime there are films that are so bad that they swing back around again to good, simply because they miss the mark of what they are intended for so dramatically. I love films like that, and this just happens to be one of those. This is a real work of cinematic genius, if you like... Continue Reading →

Loving Vincent

“I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream”. Such a telling remark from an under confident man who saw the beauty in everything. This film, for me was set to be incredible, sadly I think it fell short. If you haven’t heard of what this is. It is... Continue Reading →

The Wicker Man

It’s been a while since I’ve written a post about the actor I love to hate. Yes it’s old potato face, Nicholas Cage. As if the original of this film, with its all star cast of Edward Woodward, Britt Ekland and Christopher Lee wasn’t weird enough, it was felt that this needed a revamp in... Continue Reading →


Well now...I didn't know how to feel about this remake. Stephen King books were a staple of mine growing up, and IT was fairly relatable, kids fighting their fears come to reality. So the original film/series (as the 90s loved to turn Kings horror in to a series and then show it as a film... Continue Reading →


There is nothing better than curling up with someone and watching a horror film, whether the film be good or bad as usually the genre of horror can lend itself to the comedic when it's bad; and if it's good it's always nice to have a chest to hide your face in. This film surpassed... Continue Reading →

An inconvenient sequel

Hopefully we are all aware that we need to look after our's our home, our life source and our legacy. Al Gore has done great work in bringing climate change to the forefront of people's minds. Investing his time and energy in working towards changing the opinions of world leaders and influential people in... Continue Reading →


I will readily admit I waited until I had heard some feedback before I went to see this film. This was for a couple of reasons...firstly I really hate war films which incorporate a farcical love story which has been orchestrated just to tug at your heart strings a little bit more, it's generally unneeded,... Continue Reading →

The Box

You take delivery of a box at 5:45am.  In side is a button and a note saying "Mr. Steward will be calling at 5pm". At 5pm a guy with half a face knocks on your door and tells you..."push the button and two things will happen, someone you don't know will die, and you will... Continue Reading →

The Beguiled

This isn't my usual style of film, but I have invested in a cinema pass so I am making sure that I make good use of it.  I'd seen the trailer a few times and this looked like it could be an interesting watch.  Sadly I think they showed all the best bits in the... Continue Reading →

War for the planet of the apes

Conclusion to the trilogy of the story of Ceaser and his advanced clan of Ape.  I was so excited to see this film, as these have been by far the best rendition of the story, surpassing the original, the tv series and the Mark Wahlburg and Helena Bonham Carter abomination. This film is extremely well... Continue Reading →

It comes at night

I have really mixed feelings about this film.  If you're looking for a piece of atmospheric cinematography then this could be the film for you.  If you are looking for a kick arse horror that this film was advertised as, then don't go and see it.   There are spoilers in this, don't read if... Continue Reading →

While we’re young

'I want to be unbridgeable' this is probably the most poignant line in this movie.  At one point I thought that this was going to be an amazing movie with a strong message about the basis of humanity and intergenerational understanding, but it seriously lost its way. The movie starts with Josh and Cornelia (Stiller... Continue Reading →

Alone in Berlin

As I was scrolling through my nearest cinema listings this morning, I noticed a special preview of this film on this evening.  Not particularly hopeful that there would be tickets left, I thought I would chance it and try and book.  To my surprise there were tickets available, so, after work I toddled off to... Continue Reading →

Left Behind

I despise Nicholas Cage, with a passion, I only watched the remake of "The Wicker Man" to watch him get ceremonially torched.  I will say he was ok in "Con Air" and "8mm" as his emotionless acting suited the roles, but now he appears to have made a career in being like a plank of... Continue Reading →


I have long admired Winston Churchill.  So having a year where two films are coming out centered around the great man is exciting for me.  As usual I don't research films before I go and see them as I don't want to build my own expectations, let's just say I have burnt my own fingers... Continue Reading →


This film has some seriously mixed of course I had to check it out for myself.  Especially as it has just cropped up on Netflix.  Spoilers are in this article....if you plan to watch maybe wait until after you have watched it to read this. This is 4 "horror" scenarios wrapped up in to... Continue Reading →

I don’t feel at home in this world anymore

Elijah Wood is not one of my go to actors, he's always wondering about the place moping and worrying.  The best bit of Green Street was that he got beaten up in it, and while he suited the role in the hobbit, I seriously wanted Sam to give him a good slap and a shake.... Continue Reading →


So....are you a watcher or a player?  Are you easily swayed by the thought of earning money for doing bets that anyone on the World Wide Web can watch?  Are you open to having your every move manipulates by a group of anonymous voyeurs?   Vee is.  Shown as a weak willed student, worrying about... Continue Reading →

The Grand Budapest Hotel

"There are still faint glimmers of civilisation left in this barbaric slaughter house known as humanity...he was one of them."  How can you not love a film which incorporates humour, violence, poetry, art and war.  It's absurd, funny, witty, exciting, touching, tinged with sadness colourful and exuberant. I'll try and encapsulate the story line... Centred... Continue Reading →


What could be better than spending and hour and a half with Tom Hardy on his own? Well ditching the poor Welsh accent would have been a start in this film. This film uses the bold technique of only having one actor on screen in a car for the entirety of the piece.   So... Continue Reading →


Intense, pschyodelic and inceptionesque.  That is the 3 words I would use to discribe this anime by Satoshi Kon.   The premise of this film is an invention which allows psychotherapists to enter and analyis patients dreams is stolen and planting the dreams in to other subconscious  making them believe that they are in the... Continue Reading →

Queen of Katwe

This was another film watched out of lack of choice while on holiday, and actually I was pleasantly surprised.  I'd never even seen this film advertised, much less thought that I would enjoy a film about a Ugandan chess player. Reluctantly I stuck this film on while chilling out, thinking that this would be ok... Continue Reading →

The Accountant

I knew nothing about this film, and the above picture is not what was shown on screen on in the limited movie menu I have in room while away.  If this had been the the virtual DVD cover I certainly would have watched this much sooner.  But when you're presented with a film called "The... Continue Reading →


Maybe it is my want to show you that I am not just all about shite horror and superhero movies... but this is one of my favourite films.   So if you like French cinema or if you can put aside your hate for subtitles and watch a visually lush and and extraordinarily beautiful film... Continue Reading →

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