TeamLabs – Tokyo

I recently took a trip of a lifetime.  I can't explain how much I have wanted to go to Japan from a very early age, and finally I managed to get there.  Needless to say I want to return immediately and the next trip is already in the planning.  As you can imagine, I researched... Continue Reading →

When is Art not Art?

I am sure that you have heard the question... "when a tree falls in the forest does it make a sound if no one is there to hear it?".  Well I guess that this article is one of those questions.  Before I start though...logically yes, the tree would still make a sound...because, you know, science. ... Continue Reading →

Nighthawks – Edward Hopper

In the news recently I saw an article about a man who had paid £7500 for a dress for his wife.  While extravagant, not totally extraordinary, until I ready the rest of the article.  The dress wasn't a physical dress.  It was a digital dress, which had been edited on to her so that she... Continue Reading →

Satan summoning his Legions – Thomas Lawrence

There are many reason why I question religion.  Believe me, I would love to have the ultimate faith that some people feel, as I imagine it is really comforting to have a belief that will carry you through the thoughts of death, I also think it must be nice to have a like minded community... Continue Reading →

Ripples on the Ocean – Vladimir Kush

I usually write about art from a very personal perspective, as generally there is no other way to view art.  Sometime there will be a historic or political backdrop, but ultimately it is the audience that makes or breaks art.  Back in 2017 I wrote an article about Escher which was published on this date.  This... Continue Reading →

The Sweetheart Tree – Greg “Craola” Simkins

Having a completely overactive brain can be really confusing and a bit trying sometimes.  It can be absolutely brilliant when you have a number of things to do as it can really assist with thinking about a lot of different things at once, making you a master of multitasking, but it can also make you... Continue Reading →

Whims of Desire – Alan Macdonald

October, was frankly a horrible month.  Everyone gets them, you know those months where just everything gets a bit too much.  You have commitments that you can't let go of, but equally you just want to bury your head in the sand, everything comes to a head and it just leaves you feeling... drained and... Continue Reading →

Banksy has been Monkeying Around.

It's that time again. I have had an article published on the Parkstone International feed. Would really appreciate you all taking a look. Perhaps leave some feedback. You can find the article here

Chinese Girl – Vladimir Tretchikoff

There are certain artworks that remind me of my childhood, and they stand out vividly.  I can remember being quite scared of a print of this painting that was up in an “aunts” house (I say aunt in inverted commas as I think it is a particularly English phenomena, where friends of the family get... Continue Reading →

Film – Joker

I deeply dislike Batman. Actually that isn't true.  I liked Batman when it was Adam West and Burt Ward.  Who couldn't love the cheesy "Pow" and "Zok" as the heroic duo fought crime in a fun and fantastical way... It's only later on that I grew to despise the whining Bruce Wayne and his "boohoo... Continue Reading →

The Fall of the Damned – Peter Paul Rubens

Some times, I will see a snippet of a painting, which will intrigue me.  This was one of those paintings.  If you have seen the series called "Dark", you may have caught a glimpse in the first season, which led me to a three day hunt to find out which painting it was.  As it... Continue Reading →

Maui – Bobby Holcomb

You know, Disney has a lot to answer for in the mutilating a story stake...I am not talking about your "Dumbos" or "Bambis", more things like..."Pocahontas" and "The Hunchback of Notre Dam" where they butcher either history or a well written story to present a cutesy happy ending, when in reality it wasn't quite so. ... Continue Reading →

Lynrose – Brandi Milne

As a child I was obsessed with the darker fairy tales.  I didn't really want to know about the princesses, I just wanted to know about the monsters and villains.  I didn't necessarily want them to be victorious in the stories either, I just wanted to know more about them, as I felt they got... Continue Reading →

Spotlight on Anselm Kiefer

There are some artists who are very difficult to navigate around their pieces. I had the great pleasure of writing about Anselm Kiefer for Parkstone International. You can find the article here. Why not come back and let me know what you thought?

Day Out – Highgate Cemetery

I know that cemeteries seem terribly morbid, so it sounds like a terrible day out, but I find something serenely beautiful about them... some of them.  I am not talking about the cemetery that you see as you drive by your local church, these are fairly run of the mill, and while nice for families... Continue Reading →

Untitled – Jaroslaw Jasnikowski

Wouldn't it be amazing if we all had a fantasy place that we could just slip into when everything feels a bit too much.  A place where you could, just for a while forget about everything in your day to day life, and maybe just see things from a different view point for a while.... Continue Reading →

Lucifero – Roberto Ferri

If you are a long time reader of this website, you will know that religion is one of the key themes, simply because it is so intrinsic in art.  There is a vast amount of relgious art in every gallery you go to, or statues and monuments dedicated to the cause of story telling and... Continue Reading →

Film – Once upon a time in Hollywood

You know there is quite a big downside to writing articles of this nature, especially when your friends see movies before you, and eagerly wait to hear what you think of it, because they really enjoyed it, then I realise all I will be doing is writing a rant which earned me the name WidowCranky.... Continue Reading →

Reflections of Nature at Kew Gardens – Dale Chihuly

Glass is an incredible medium isn’t it?  It is beautifully delicate, but also able to withstand incredible heat and pressure and initially comes from sand.  Bet you don’t think of that as you are filling your tumbler with gin… or water (whatever is more acceptable at whatever time of day you are reading this). This... Continue Reading →

Blackface Jumper Scandal

It's that time of the month that I have an article published on Parkstone International. You can find the article here

Film – Midsommer

I have said it before... I went to see the remake of "The Wickerman" just to see Nicholas Cage burn at the end.  I appreciate it is a brash statement, and actually, I don't wish the guy any harm (just in case he stumbles across this one day and thinks I am the one that... Continue Reading →

Vitruvian Man – Leonardo da Vinci

When Douglas Adams wrote that the meaning of life was 42, he says that he wrote it as a joke, but what he also did was make the hypothetical giant and all knowing computer within his book, tell the world that the meaning of life was whatever you want it to be.  42 in ASCII... Continue Reading →

Book – Hey Bulldog – Jason Kitcat

It is rare that I read a whole book that doesn't capture my attention in the first few chapters, but sometimes something is so bad that I just have to see it through.  This book is one of those.  Anyone who knows me, will know I have a passion for appalling horror films, simply because... Continue Reading →

Witches’ Sabbath (The Great He-Goat) – Francisco Goya

I write an awful lot about religion, simply because I am fascinated by it, but by far one of my most popular articles is about the fall of Lucifer.  It isn't even a particularly in depth article, but I think that the reason it does so well, is actually like me, many people are intrigued... Continue Reading →

The Creation of Adam – Michelangelo

Did you know that the fear of belly buttons is called omphalophobia?  I can't really imagine being afraid of, what is essentially a scar which reminds you of your own creation, but I don't like people on stilts, so each to their own. Michelangelo, was a bit of a rock star of art, having the... Continue Reading →

Spotlight on Damien Hirst

It's that time of the month where my Scandal article gets published on the Parkstone International website. You can find the article here Let me know what you think.

Gone – Kara Walker

I have done quite a few articles recently about how humanity and nature intertwine, potentially making me seem a bit "mother earthish".  I am definitely not that, sure I like to think that the world could be a harmonious place, where nature and humans skip along hand in hand, nobody hunts endangered animals, and we... Continue Reading →

Mitra – Luke Hillestad

Peacocks are beautiful aren't they.  I have recently had one tattooed on my leg as there is so much symbolism that surrounds them, they are vain and showy, but also deemed as royalty and a protector because of the association with with Hera from Greek mythology.  When I saw this picture I was obviously drawn... Continue Reading →

The Meditation – Francesco Hayez

I write about a lot of art, but I always prefer writing about something I have seen in person, rather than looking at a photo that has been taken of it, and on the most part I have been lucky enough to see a good percentage of them.  It allows me to see the true... Continue Reading →

The Masque of the Red Death II – Vania Zouravliov

Life is a funny old game isn’t it.  The old adage is that there are only two things that are certain in life and that is death and taxes.  I think that there are a few more certainties myself; like I can guarantee that if I drop a piece of toast on the floor it... Continue Reading →

Rushton Triangular Lodge

It has been an age since I wrote about a day out and used some of my own photography, so I really wanted to share about the visit I had to the Triangular Lodge.  Sometimes it is really good to get away from it all, put out of your head the pressures of life and... Continue Reading →

Shelley’s Art Scandal – Andres Serrano

I have had another article published through Parkstone International. You can find it here.

Pet Sematary – Film

I loved Stephen King books when I was growing up.  I was devouring his books from about the age of 10, which looking back, may well have been a little young, but they were better than Nancy Drew so... Reflecting on it now, I realise it is because the stories were exciting but the writing... Continue Reading →

As Above, So Below – Film

Hear what I thought about this abomination of a film.

Fortuna – Lauren Marx

I have been ever so slightly drawn to images of the cycle of life recently, which I am sure that you have noticed through the artwork that has been displayed on here.  On seeing this picture, I realised that other than roadkill which I whizz past in my car, I rarely see dead animals anymore,... Continue Reading →

Dreaming Monster III – Atsuko Goto

You know, I saw a tweet the other day which was encouraging people to stop following influencers on social media and to start following artists, as influencers tend to drive poor self image in people (because they are always picture perfect, tanned, primed for looking their best) and make the younger generation aspire to a... Continue Reading →

Anatomia – Mark Ryden

Artists throughout the ages have been drawn to the anatomy of the living.  Many artists through the centuries would have, what we would probably deem as morbid fascinations as they would strive to peak their artistic techniques to hone a true rendition of the living.  They would attend autopsies, even steal limbs of the dead... Continue Reading →

Film – Serenity

If you have been a long time reader of mine, you will know I started out by ranting about really bad films.  Well I am reviving the Cranky in my name to write about this abomination of a film.  Let us not get this confused with the sci-fi 2005 film written by Joss Whedon, no... Continue Reading →

Film – Suspiria

Back in 1977 the original "Suspiria" was released by Dario Argento, it was a stylised nightmare of a horror film based on the use of something so self indulgent (ballet) to feed an evil coven of witches, the cinematography was garishly coloured, the music by Goblin dramatic and the story line never truly explained.  It... Continue Reading →

Odin/The Hanged – Daniel Africano

It has been an absolute age since I have written about anything remotely mythy, so unashamedly, I admit, that after re-watching the first season of "American Gods" (fantastic series, I recommend watching...or read the book), I felt the urge to dust off my mythy geekdom and have a bash at trying to explain a tiny... Continue Reading →

Film – Lawrence of Arabia

I was never a huge film fan growing up, in fact I would read a book over watching a film 9 times out of 10, it was only as I got older that I started to really get in to film culture.  Now this has its ups and downs... the ups are that I read... Continue Reading →

Allegories of an Exile – Paul Kaiser

We all have demons, those skeletons in the closet, that sneak up on us and can make us react in the most peculiar ways.  For some they will try and understand, for others they will only scratch the surface, as it may be too hard or incomprehensible for them to take in the feelings that... Continue Reading →

Untitled Anthropometry (ANT 110) – Yves Klein

Quite often people find art just a viewing interesting, which is where I think the feeling that a lot of people don't understand it, because they look it at, try and understand what the artist was trying to say, rather than what the piece means to them as a viewer and then it is quickly... Continue Reading →

Film – Mandy

There have been a lot of “artsy” films that have come out recently, which is great for me as it gives me more to write about on here and is equally something that is totally accessible to anyone who is an avid reader, as you can go away and watch them, rather than having to... Continue Reading →

Film – The House that Jack Built

There are some films which incorporate a theme so seamlessly that they leave you astounded.  This film is one of those.  Some have said that it is a totally self indulgent piece of work, but I think that this could be that either the person watching it had no in depth knowledge of the "Divine... Continue Reading →

Water Dancer – Mute Swan – Rebecca Latham

I would seriously love to make writing my full time job, it has become a bit of a passion of mine, but sadly I am not at the stage where it will pay the bills.  Especially as some days are just so full of ugliness in my "actual" job that it can be a real... Continue Reading →

Anti Semitic or Misguided?

Parkstone have published one of my articles that I revamped for them. You can find it here. Would be awesome if you guys went and showed it some love on the Parkstone Website.


Find out more about the street artist Vhils and his unique style of working.

Film – The Favourite

How would you fancy being the favourite to royalty?  Being their advisor and bestowed special treatment from the monarch?  Ok it probably doesn't mean that much now, but back when the monarchy ruled the country and made the decisions this would have been a prime spot! Highly sort after and a cut throat game to... Continue Reading →

Film – The Lobster

I am sure that everyone remembers Phoebe in friends telling Ross that Rachel was his lobster...  In some romantic notion that lobsters mate for life.  Actually lobsters don't mate for life... dominant male lobsters fertilise a harem of female lobsters in a series of flings which last about 2 weeks with some complex mating rituals. ... Continue Reading →

Louvre – Abu Dhabi

I write about a lot of artwork, but I don't usually write about the building that contains them.  This is either because I am so overwhelmed by the work contained, or that the building is not that exciting.  One of my first articles that I wrote for Parkstone International was about the opening of the... Continue Reading →

Act 1 – Den – Omar Ba

Politics is a terrible business.  I am sure that there are plenty of politicians who started out with great intentions, but those good intentions get lost along the way, which brings megalomania and corruption in to play.  Ok, so I am in the UK and the worst that I see is a sever lack of... Continue Reading →

Chirisei Kyubiki – Kazuo Shiraga

There is something intrinsically beautiful about raw emotion.  Ok, it can be hard to deal with if it is directed at you, but when it is used in an expression of artistic intent, it gives the viewer or reader an honest and open idea of what the artist was feeling at the time of creation. ... Continue Reading →

Multiple Realities (Multiple Horizons) – Duncan Wylie

When I was a kid, I really struggled to get my head around things happening at the same time if I couldn't see it happening.  For example, I would get dropped off at my grandmothers while my parents worked.  I would spend the day playing in her garden, or making cakes with her, and generally... Continue Reading →

Shelley’s Art Musings – There is more to Whistler than his Mother…

Another cheeky piece that I wrote for Parkstone International:-

Hairesis – Billelis

It's not a secret... I love anything with skulls on it.  I have numerous pieces of art and sculpture around my house of skulls, as they are infinitely interesting.  So it's not surprising that I am drawn to the work of Billelis.  His dark gothic style combines a lot of my own interests in visuals... Continue Reading →

Napoleon Crossing the Alps – Jacques-Louis David

I know I have been incredibly quiet over the last month, but hopefully you will appreciate why.  I have been off on my travels and one of the stops was to see the new Louvre in Abu Dhabi.  This was one of the most amazing experiences which has inspired me greatly and given me a... Continue Reading →

Shelley’s Art Scandal: The Enigma that is Banksy

Think that I have been quiet? Well I have been on holiday getting inspired... which means I have a lot to write about over the coming weeks. In the mean time, I have had an article published with Parkstone, and you can find it here

Shelley’s Art Scandal – Tulips that weigh heavy for Paris

I have had another article published by Parkstone International. You can check it out here:-

Claudio Romo

I am intrigued by pretty much anything and everything...I love museums off all kinds, I find displays of old medical research fascinating, I have an appreciation of science, but I also love fantasy and the creative... which I am finding is an unusual quality in people as I get older.  Usually (and I am not... Continue Reading →

Incarnation – Martin Wittfooth

Elephants are truly majestic and amazing creatures aren't they? Intelligent and soulful and one of the greats which wonder the Earth, yet there are some that still feel that their tusks are better used by humans than by the elephant themselves.   Without getting on my high horse about it, no one needs an elephants tusk...... Continue Reading →

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